Friday, December 14, 2012


It's over.. it's really over..... :(

What I really enjoyed about this course was getting into Marvel and finding all the materials/databases that can be used within our library AND best of all on the computer at home!

My biggest discovery.... Week 4 with Crafts and Hobbies. I was amazed with the step by step photos and videos that were offered. So I'm thinking about learning how to knit, once the holidays are over I'm going to go back there and see what I can find for information and videos for dummies(such as myself).

As for promoting... I'm already promoting the different databases offered! In fact over a month ago I had someone looking for an author like the one they had been reading.  I used the information from week 5 NoveList Plus, to help them find several authors of the same style.

Thank you so much for reading and traveling with me!! I would like to also thank the Maine State Libray staff for offering this amazing class. There is NO WAY I would have discovered so much to offer Patrons without them!!!

So fellow bloggers, contact me if you have any questions-comments(yes, please!!) or concerns.

So till I blog again, enjoy your reads!! take care....

WEEK 10 EbscoHost Family of Databases and Ebsco Ebooks

MARVELous Maine

I have always enjoyed Academic Premier database when looking for journals and articles. I found 16 on childcare, from childhood to children's technology and engineering. For a basic search I used "Today's child care needs" although the basic wording didn't receive any matches there were 3 results from the words I had typed. Out of the 3 given the newest was dated Sept. 2010 so not really to recent but it was very interesting from Health & Social Care in the Community; "Child Care Today: What We Know and What We Need To Know"

Onto Ebsco Ebooks: I wanted to be really off-the-wall for an interest so I typed "Elephants" to see what types of reading materials I would find. Only 1 items was offered "Building a House for Diversity: How a Fable about a Giraffe and a Elephant Offers New Strategies for Today's Workforce"1999. Getting the Full Text offered many choices on the right side of the text so I decided to email this to my personal email in pdf form.

To help students with Constitution Day I found 112 articles and not knowing what the students would be looking for I can only guess, however I did find one that I think might be of interest. "Representing Popular Sovereignty: The Constitution in American Political Culture," which covers public history, written document, symbol of democracy, and so on.

In searching for Nebraska information I received 43 results. Of those "America's National Historic Trails" looked interesting and could offer some information for Western study. Searching Oklahoma had a better result with 70 items. I liked "From Mounds to Mammoths: A Field Guide to Oklahoma Prehistory, " perhaps an unusual find.

I can't believe out time is over.... seems like just yesterday that I started our MARVELous Maine blog....hope you've all enjoyed the information and are able to enjoy discovering on your own OR stop by the library!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

MARVELous Maine Week 9

Learning Express

Interested in challenging, learning or reviewing the Public Library???!!! Well if that sounds odd, it's not that is... not any more at the Acton Public Library OR from your home!
There are some easy "set-up" steps to creating an account and then you are on your way to educating and testing yourself. Let's check this out to see if maybe this avenue will be helpful for you.

I've created the account and if you are interested, need help- contact me!! Now let's see what is offered for learning. There are so many learning centers!! I'm going to check out "Jobs and Career" that has skills for improving math-personal finance-public speaking-science, writing and grammar. I've tried "reading for information" practice test. I answered several questions and then went right to ending the test. There is a choice to return and finish the test if this choice was a mistake, but it wasn't. I liked the idea that another window pops up to alert the tester one more time that there is no returning once continuing. There is a very understandable scoring system that breaks down, also the option of reviewing each question and the correct answers along with why the others would not be correct. I tend to stress with tests but this was very low key and easy to understand.
In Job Search and Workskills I downloaded the "Career Changers Manual". The contents offers 10 good topics to reflect upon such as if you're ready for a career change, understanding options, and marketing yourself.
After several tries in the search box for an occupation I found "computer specialist"offered 57 courses,  12 ebooks and 31 tests. The ebooks that were given were mostly about Real Estate Sales exams, not quite sure what happened I loaded one onto my center. I can save it or just open it and it's very easy to maneuver in and gave addresses of agencies from all over the country.

Friday, November 30, 2012

MARVELous Maine Week 8

Genealogy Resources-Ancestry Library

This week is all about information about the Ancestry Library! When I placed my own name in the Search box over 20,000 different items were given, 20 were closely related. Some were me and many-many were not :) How interesting to find out so many people have my name whether I used my maiden or married. I tried the U.S. Census Collection but could not find any information as there is a 75 year privacy restriction, so the most present is 1940.
I found some information about my Grandfather who resided in New Hampshire, born in Maine. There were over 294,000 listings. I found him 4th on the list with the 1930 Census along with my Grandmother and their family information.
To find photo's and map's took alittle bit trying,  I clicked "search" and tried using the map of the U.S. States by clicking on the state of  Maine, this brought up all data collected for Maine. So I went back to the Search again, to the right side at the bottom of the page I found "Pictures and Maps". So I clicked Pictures first, placed Maine as the keyword and received the message that "alittle more information would give me better results". There were several baseball cards of players from Maine with over a million. So I revised my search to summarize the categories and the largest amount was in the Year Books from colleges in Maine 1892 +.
Then I tried "maps", over 100,000 were listed. I clicked on one from"Index County Land Ownership" Cumberland/Brunswick-Harpswell 1871, a smaller map appears which you can click on and using the cursor enlarge for better viewing or make smaller.
Once again another feature for the public to use when researching within the library!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

MARVELous Maine Week 7

Consumer-Health-Resources:  Health Source Consumer Edition and MedlinePlus

Our health is so important to us and it should be! Taking care of our health could lead to a very long vibrant life. BUT...what happens when our health declines? What can we find to better educate and equip ourselves for what the future holds? Maybe it's not about you, maybe it's a friend or family member, Or maybe you want to find out more about issues pertaining to health in general?
What I find Most distressing within the library, not providing the most updates & information because, let's face it ..medical materials are just plain expensive AND there's so many to choose from.......well, WELCOME to Week 7, our questions-updated info. has just been answered!!!!

There are 2 areas I wish to review the first one; Marvel's Health Source - Consumer Edition where there is a wealth of information from magazines that are very familiar AND not just for the aging but-also, growing families as well. Here you'll find articles/magazines from: Baby Talk, Parenting Early Years; Parenting School Years, Joe Weider's Muscle Fitness, Science News, Popular Science, Urology Times, Alzheimer's Disease, etc... refine your search and find exact info for what you are interested in learning.
Okay let me get personal.....Let's narrow this and find some information on what I'm interested in this season of my life "hot flashes". Wow 245 results and by placing "date desending" in the "relevance sort" option the search gives 12 articles dated 10/01/12. I'm reviewing the first materials offered "Estradiol Topical", in reviewing this article; definitely understandable in the contents-- a gel that one can use, BUT can also be used for more that just the flashes, however this can also greatly increase endometrial cancer (cancer of the lining of the uterus [womb]). This is also offered as a MP3 download. Very helpful whether reading the text Or taking with you for "light" listening? okay, maybe :)
Here's something that anyone can do without Marvel: Medline Plus  Please take the time to check this site out! On the right side the articles are from 11/14/12 : Breast Cancer Disparities Continue Among U.S. Women,"Black women have the highest breast cancer death rates of all racial and ethnic groups and are 40% more likely to die of breast cancer than white women. " Another article, Breast Cancer Disparities Continue Among U.S. Women , next Patients More Likely to Survive In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Today: Study. On the left side you can view the top searches like: Autism, aspirin, asthma, dietary fats, hypertension..etc..
Let's see what the "drugs and supplements" tab has to offer.. let's start with Ibuprofen. By clicking on the item of interest there is a wealth of information to be found, when to take it, warnings, uses for side effects and more. Wow,,, I had a patron stop by several months ago trying to find out about an ingredient that was part of their medication. If I had only known about this site. I did google but this would have so much more to check into!!Subscribe to RSS
There's a tab for "Health Topics", I'm going to check out the "hot flashes" that I had searched for earlier. This offers information about Menopause, related topics of, and much more than I found whether related to flashes Or just what to expect with the onset of menopause, quite intriguing!
One last area to check into is the "Videos and Cool Tools". There are so many options which offer displayed text. Surgery videos, interactive tutorials, and anatomy videos, plus quizzes and games. I think an interesting tutorial would be about Colonoscopy, this easily guides you through the interest of the subject, step by step with a complete understanding of the of the disease-procedures-risks-summary. I can follow along at my own pace or have it just inform on it's own. This also offers a text format to have a copy.
This site is now in my favorites so helping the patron no longer requires having costly materials that I would need to update later.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

MARVELous Maine week 6 Business Resources

This week I am investigating resources for our business community.....Business Source Complete DataBase.........

I'm looking for information about FM Radio and although that's to basic for any information several periodicals and journal articles pertaining to FM radio did get tagged. Now perhaps I didn't understand but when I checked a "visual" search nothing came at all. At this point this week's assignment has been frustrating!!

It's okay, I'm moving on to the Econlit to search resources for small businesses, now here I've found several 14,362 results, Perceptions-Economics-relationships....etc...
After looking for EPA and small business findings are 61 results and searching "Tax policy and business" I've received 25,201 results.
Onto the database Regional and Business News where I would like to find out information about Toys R Us with results of 1,142. Let's see we've got periodical news on "2012 lenders and investors conferences", "price match guarantees" and so on.
Let's make it alittle closer to our area, I'm searching "Toys R Us in Northern United States". I had to change my "source types" to just newspaper because the exact same information was coming up, however after I did make that change and almost all the articles were from the New York Times.
Lastly I narrowed once again to Maine, searching all source types I came up with 1."Eastern Mountain Sports Announces Grand Opening of New South Portland, ME Location." Reason's next to Toys R Us.

I was able to get right into Value Line and check out the Investment Survey. The survey issues were from today's date 11/09/12 out of 133 stocks I checked out Disney(Walt) which brought up financial strengths which is A++, Stock stability,Total Returns, I could also view a Full Research Report which gives graphs, 17 years of value. unbelievable!!
I decided to check into Apple in the "company look up" and found 1 article for computers 10/05/12 and 1 for Snapple products, for Apple there's a full research report just like with Disney.

Now Wall Street Journal; I'm searching "Small Business and Health Care" my interest would be the article on "What the Health Care Decision Means for Your Small Business". I do like the option of creating alerts but I  like the RSS feed for notification of changes more as I would not really know what details I would want for alerts. I would also save the information useful for further research.
Wow enough business for me:)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

MARVELous Maine weeks 5 and 6.....

What happens when you, have a full schedule---receive an intense storm which takes out your cable/Internet for 2 days -and- THEN have a 3 day conference out-of-town, right after????? I find myself a week behind!!! BUT, it could be a lot worse, New Jersey-New York and so many others who have lost so much, my heart goes out to them all. we are week 5 I'm posting, then onto week 6!
This week I am reviewing the NoveList Plus where patrons can connect to super reads online without the library being opened Or finding that next book that offers the same writing style as their favorite author. I'm going to start my search with Nora Roberts and in the "Search for", I'm looking into the series she's had published. Now once all the items appear there are two areas to receive more info. There's the "sort by" and "view". The "view" is helpful because I can give the reader, or they can find a detailed idea of what the first book of the series is about, give them just the titles or just the facts. Yet each area offers more information by clicking on the book.
This next feature will be so helpful for me with Patrons who ask about another author with the same writing style, which happens from time to time. When an author's name has been placed in the "search for" after that information, to the right of that are similar writers. By using my mouse on the magnifying glass not only is there a description of the other author's writing, but more info about the materials they've written plus a file feature so I can save this for future reference. I can also print this out to give to the patron for searching within our library and/or the inter-library loan system. This is an amazing benefit for helping to find the next great read for the community I'm serving!!
This database offers so much more at my finger tips than I could have hoped for, in the past I have researched sometimes over an hour finding matching writing styles or information about a particular author. This base offers those items within the search. With David Baldacci I've discovered the reading level of his books are for ages 9-12, his story lines are written as plot-driven or intricately plotted, and there's so much more offered.
The detailed information would really add to book review groups, parents looking for authors for their children, teens, or themselves within seconds of searching the authors name. I can't wait to implement this!!

What I would really like to encourage, YOU the reader, to contact me, give me your favorite authors and let's see what I can find for you or help you find!